
Monkeys battle to steal their opponents tail in an intense bout of quadrapedal movement.  . . . . . . . . . OVERVIEW Quadrupedal movement form and full body conditioning. Number & Age of Players 2+ Players Ages 10+ Equipment / Environment Open area, with boundaries set Bandannas or Shirts to be used as […]

This game takes the Ground is Lava to the next level, adding the aspect of teamwork and problemsolving. Objective Find your way to the ship without falling into the water. Setting Up Suitable for all levels but most fun when played with intermediate/advanced players. How to Play Players are pirates (YARRRR) aboard a pirate ship […]

Freeze and Unfreeze by QM’ing around and under others in a race against time!

Who can gain the most ground? A strength-building, ice-breaking game using crawling and quadrupedal with partners!

A dynamic jumping game that helps build quick-fire response time, agility, and laughter between players!

A fun twist on an old classic, bringing Balance to Simon Says!

Mix music and movement in this game of blind tag!

Test your balance skills against this tricky course!

A fast-paced group warm up that places players head to head, and uses a variety of movements from jumping to crawling, running, and sillywalks.

Unbalance your opponent by pushing, pulling, and deception!

Lead a group through an improvised line of movements!

Play catch with a partner while testing your balance

Explore a variety of ground movements and techniques while improving your proprioception by avoiding others!

A playful game to help players with progressing their power and personal understanding in jumping!